Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Expression of surprises and expression of disbelief

 Expression Of Surprise
Expression of surprise is a feeling caused by something happening suddenly or unexpectedly.
 Example Of Surprises:
Ana: "Hi, What are you talking?
Bobby: "Oh you Ana.. We are talking about You..You the winner of Sains Olympiad. "
Ana: "wow. What a surprise..."
Bobby: "Yeah you are the winner.. Good Job friend..."
Ana: "Oh booby. Thank you.."
Bobby: "It's Ok.."
Here are some expressions of surprise
Expressing surprise
Wow! What a surprise!
That’s a surprise!
It is
That’s very surprising!
It’s true
Are you serious? You must be joking
I’m serious
You’re kidding!
No, I’m not
Fancy that!
It is
I must say it surprises me
Does it?

When you got surprising fact, you can say:

·         Do you know what?
·         Believe it or not?
·         You may not believe it, but.....
·         Can you believe this?
Expression Of Disbelief
Expression of Disbelief is an expressing to refust or be unable to belief something or somebody.
 Example Of Disbelief..
Rara: "Hi guys..."
Ina: "Hi Ra... What happen?"
Rara: "Ina... Jesse come back from Bandung.."
Ina: "Are you sure, Ra..? I don't believe that your information.."
Rara: "Ina that's real. Jesse come back. This afternoon he's back.."
Ina: "Oh Ra, Thank's for your information.. I must make a party tonight.."
Expressing Disbelief
I don’t believe it
I can’t believe it
It’s really unbelievable
How could it be?

4 komentar:

SyntiaNoviadrianie mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

alay sia!!!!!!!1

ivan sutanto mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

Sangat Membantu e-learning saya :v

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